Rebecca Hampton separated from the father of her daughter: she has found love again!

Mother of a girl named Elea (8 years old) Rebecca Hampton has long kept the identity of her dad secret. It wasn’t until their daughter had just celebrated her 6th birthday that the actress More beautiful life agreed to reveal who was the man who allowed her to become a mother. “Nobody asked me. So I’ll give you a scoop: his name is David Bérard, he’s a prominent journalist in the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region.” she had confided to the journalists of TV 15 Days.

Journalist host for various events, the man had said a little more about his work on the site of his company South Happening : “Companies call on me to highlight speakers and ideas, to facilitate the transmission of a message… Interactive and carefully prepared animation makes it possible to energize presentations and maintain the audience’s attention, while guaranteeing the distribution of all the planned content.”

Now separated from the father of her daughter, Rebecca Hampton had said a little more about their relationship since their breakup. She explained: “We are separated, but we get on pretty well, which is very good for our daughter, who adores her dad.“. Earlier in 2017, the pretty blonde had also mentioned her separation from David Bérard in front of journalists from TV 7 Days : “I know what my parents’ separation did to me as a child. If I could have avoided it for my daughter, it would have made me happy. My daughter has a father and sees him regularly. I can only thank him for making me this child because I’m crazy about it.”

Today in a relationship with a mysterious Vincent with whom love has been “An evidence“, the 49-year-old actress forms a united and close-knit blended family since she confided At Jordan’sa webcast by Entertainment TV that his daughter got along”very good” with her new companion. Always very discreet when it comes to love, she added that she did not want to publicize her companion.

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