Rebecca Hampton pissed off: her life with her daughter Eléa turned upside down because of the stoppage of Plus belle la vie

On May 5, the bad news fell. More beautiful life ends for good, after months of unbearable suspense. Despite the strong mobilization of many fans of the France 3 program, France Télévisions has chosen to close the doors of the Mistral for good.

Faced with the announcement by France Télévisions through a press release, the teams of More beautiful life were shocked, even more when they learned that the end of the soap opera that employed them was close, very close (by the end of the year or perhaps even before).

For the first time since the formalization of the judgment of More beautiful life, Rebecca Hampton, an emblematic figure who has portrayed the character of Céline Frémont since 2004, speaks. And the 49-year-old actress does not hide her annoyance in the face of this complex situation which has a direct impact on her private life.

It is near TV 2 weeks that Rebecca Hampton confides everything she has on her heart. “With the rumors going around, we suspected that such an outcome was being considered but, as long as it was not recorded, it was difficult to projectshe admits. My birthday was May 1 and France Télévisions announced the end of the soap opera on the 5th: it’s a good birthday present that I was given!” Especially since Rebecca Hampton was caught off guard when she heard the news…: “I was not at the meeting organized by the group’s management. I learned of the decision from the press.“The actress saw the end of this great adventure as a”separation“, “and, in such a case, it is never very happy for anyone“.

Because stopping More beautiful life directly affects his family life. She will have to move with her daughter Eléa, born in August 2013 and from whom she had revealed the identity of the father, from whom she is separated, years after her birth, in 2019.I wish we had more time to turn around. I’m going to have to turn his life upside down when I didn’t choose him. I have to find a school and accommodation in Paris in a few weeks“, explains Rebecca Hampton. Except that this forced move adds another constraint. The last filming of Plus belle la vie is scheduled for September, a month synonymous with the start of the school year for Eléa and thousands of other schoolchildren.

The full interview with Rebecca Hampton can be found in TV 2 weeksprograms from May 21 to June 3.

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