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Rebecca Hampton landed in “More beautiful life” from the beginning of the series, in 2004 when it was called “Trash life”...
Since then, many of those who criticized this daily soap opera which sticks to the news have come to join the ranks of the cast.. and the series is one of the most watched on France 3 and one of the most appreciated by Internet users!
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Rebecca is still faithful to the post, in the role of Céline Frémont.
But it’s not just TV in the life of Rebecca who put down his suitcases Marseilleshis city of heart now.
– LP/Olivier Lejeune
Rebecca has also been doing theater for more than 10 years.. and she will be at the top of Vaucluse this weekend with a cult play “Panic at the Ministry” a comedy created in 2009.
– © facebook screenshot
Full of emotion for Rebecca this Saturday in Vaucluse
She will play in front of part of her family who lives in Vaucluse, her daughter will also be in the room, … maybe sitting next to you!! since there are places to win with France Blue Vaucluse this week !!
Make your Reservations HERE!
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