Rebecca Hampton assumes her plastic surgery operations: “I have no problem with that”

Since 2004, Rebecca Hampton has been one of the faces known to viewers of France 3 in particular thanks to her character of Céline Frémont in More beautiful life whom she has embodied since the very beginning of the series. As the famous soap opera prepares to bow out next November, the 49-year-old actress shares some confidences, including on the plastic surgery operations she underwent.

Face and chest operations

Rebecca Hampton was the guest Thursday, June 23 of the show At Jordan’s presented by Jordan De Luxe and distributed on the site of Entertainment TV. In this show (whose filming took place on June 13), the actress of More beautiful lifespoke without filter on these multiple operations of cosmetic surgery, in particular on his face. “I had a small ball of fat removed from my mouth. Because I had broken a tooth and had something that didn’t fit”, confessed the 49-year-old actress. The ex of Serge Dupire (Vincent Chaumette of Plus belle la vie) also admitted to having used injections on the forehead in order to evacuate wrinkles: “It was done in Marseille very well and I hope in Paris, eventually if it comes back.” This opens the door to new cosmetic surgery operations: “I have no problem with that”, recognized Rebecca Hampton interviewed by Jordan De Luxe. The mother of Eléa, 8, whom she had with her ex-companion David Bérard, also confided that she lost 22 kilos after the birth of her daughter. Which earned him a complete overhaul of the chest. “I breastfed my daughter for six months. So I didn’t find it very pretty. It made me happy to do them again”she testified.

For the record, in July 2021, Rebecca Hampton had been the victim of criticism about her physique. On her Instagram story, the 49-year-old actress then had a big rant. “This morning, I’m fed up! So to those who find me rickety, a bag of bones, etc… I answer you… I have a BMI of 18.5. Stop body shaming!”she had cursed.

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