The President of the National Assembly deplores “a liberation of speech” on social networks, but also “in real life”. She calls for “a collective start”.
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Anti-Semitism “is a fight that must mobilize us all. Truly, it is urgent to act”, said Sunday January 28 in Political Questions on France Inter Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly. She indicates that she filed a complaint with “23 covers” for a year and a half “for threats or anti-Semitic letters she received.” The number of anti-Semitic acts recorded in France increased fourfold in 2023, according to the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF).
These anti-Semitic attacks “return me to my Judaism which I have never hidden”, explained Yaël Braun-Pivet. “These are insults,” she specifies.
“They send me yellow stars, they regret that my family was not completely exterminated in the camps. It’s just terrible.”
Yaël Braun-Pivetat franceinfo
The President of the National Assembly deplores “a liberation of speech” on social networks, but also “in real life”. “We see people who assume anti-Semitic opinions in front of cameras, writing them down without even hiding their identity”, she explained. Yaël Braun-Pivet “calls for a collective start, because the foundations of our Republic and who we are as a people are at stake.”
Crif noted a “blast” anti-Semitic acts after October 7, the day of Hamas’s attack on Israel. “It’s something that should concern us all because it reminds us of dark hours in our history,” estimated Yaël Braun-Pivet. The President of the National Assembly notes, based on several investigations, “that a large part of our youth do not know what the Shoah is” And “the Vel’ d’Hiv’ event”. According to her, “at a time when the survivors of the camps are disappearing, we collectively have to take action around the duty of memory.”