Reality TV star, Hilona admits to having wanted to end her life after being abused by Julien Bert for months and having lost a baby…

The message published by Hilona Gos in a story on Instagram this Sunday, February 26, 2023 is not the most reassuring:“Hello everyone, today I’m better, a little better, but I’ve sunk you have to know, this last week I’ve hit rock bottom. I’ve had a rough life, but lately I’ve been going through an accumulation of things that have made my shoulders give out. Everyone has their limits, I reached mine.And we find the answers to all the questions that this message generates on YouTube in a long video posted that same day. Hilona Gos became known to the general public thanks to her participation in the reality TV show 10 perfect couples 2 broadcast on TFX in 2018. Charismatic, the young woman, ex-bartender, had seduced viewers who were able to follow her in many other programs and live her tumultuous love stories. If her affair with Illan Castronovo was known, it was above all her relationship with Julien Bert that caused a lot of ink to flow. It’s the end of September 2019, on the set of Princes and Princesses of Love on W9that Hilona and Julien got together.

‘I think it’s a desperation video’

These two, between tempestuous separations and noisy reunions, seemed in spite of everything made for each other. However, by publishing this Sunday, February 26, a shocking video entitled My truth with Julien, the former reality TV candidate shows how much, a year after their breakup, she continues to suffer from this finished story. Facing the camera, the 27-year-old young woman delivers her video confession: “I think it’s a desperation video. I see a shrink every week. I’m clearly sinking and have been for a while. I’ve been lying to everyone and myself for a few years all because of one person. JI’m losing everything so I can’t go on like this. Of course, she specifies that she will talk about her relationship with Julien Bert: “I’ve been lying to myself for many years because of one person…it’s Julien”. The latter should “80,000 euros” “stolen from a company”. Hilona Gos also claims to have the “bailiffs because he hasn’t paid his rent for four months and the lease of his house is at (her name, editor’s note).” For nearly 40 minutes, Julien’s ex, going through all the emotions, will tell about the hell that this man would have made him live.

“He raised his hand, he grabbed me, he strangled me”

“I can’t bear to be silent anymore…” she said like a mantra. According to her, everything started to go wrong in December 2019, when they had just met. It was the day before a skiing trip with friends for New Year’s Day, she would have noticed that he was drinking alone and late into the night. And when, at five o’clock in the morning, she comes to talk to him about it, he would have replied: “You’re a big bitch, without me before you were nothing. You are a big shit. Can’t you see you’re completely drunk? Later, after serious threats, Julien would have come to blows: “His look changed, he had black eyes, it was no longer the same person. He raised his hand, he grabbed me, he strangled me. he lifted me at that off the ground. I just remember, I couldn’t breathe anymore. It wasn’t him anymore. It lasted a few seconds, the time he realizes. Visibly very disturbed, Hilona Gos also returned to her pregnancies. She had so far claimed to have had two miscarriages, but in her video, she admits that the second time, she preferred to have an abortion: “I couldn’t see myself raising a child with someone so unstable”she explains before adding further: “I felt it was not a healthy environment.” And to drop the litany of insults against him that his companion used to say to him: “you tramp, you’re nothing without me”, “Shut your mouth you bitch”… Repeated physical and psychological violence, according to her long story, from which the young woman still does not recover and which she wishes to denounce today: “I want everyone to see who he really is.”


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