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In the real estate sector, changes are coming for tenants and landlords. SOn the 19/20 set, Friday April 1, journalist Sophie Lanson gives details about it.
Friday April 1stchanges are to be taken into account in the real estate sector for tenants. “As of today, if an abusive rent is offered to them, they will be able to see it on the advertisements in the cities concerned by the supervision of rents such as Lyon, Paris or Lille”says Sophie Lansonpresent on the set of 19/20. IProfessionals will now have to display three pieces of information: the base rent, the maximum rent provided and the authorized top-up.
Professionals will also have to display the maximum rate of agency fees. On the side of the owners, the device to encourage them to rent name change and becomes “Loc’Avantages”. It has been simplified and extended to France. Si an owner agrees to rent his property at 15% to 45% cheaper than the market, he will be able to benefit from a tax reduction. “The goal is to provide access to properties at affordable rents to low-income families who are struggling to find housing”explains Sophie Lanson.