Real estate: the wear rate revised upwards Saturday, October 1


Article written by

A.Peyrout, T.Curtet, E.Sizarols, M.Salmon – France 2

France Televisions

The Banque de France will raise the maximum mortgage rate, known as the usury rate, on Saturday 1 October. Concretely, this will help buyers whose files were no longer in the bank.

Today, nearly one mortgage on two is denied. But the situation should improve: the Banque de France has revised upwards what is called the rate of wear. This is the threshold beyond which a bank can no longer lend money. With the increase in mortgage rates, borrowing was more difficult. Obtaining credit should therefore become easier from Saturday 1 October.

“We really had a lot of households that were targeted by this wear rate problem, I would say 20% to 30%, which is not negligible”explains Ilan Rainier, associate director at YouFinance. However, brokers warn: the respite may only be short-lived. According to them, credit rates should continue to rise in the coming months. A tight shooting window has therefore just opened for those waiting for credit.

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