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The climate law requires municipalities to fight against urban sprawl. So, for five years, the city of Périgueux, in the Dordogne, has set up an innovative system: flush out all the spaces still usable in the city centre.
To Perigueux (Dordogne), no more land is available to build. So, for five years, city planners mandated by the city have been trying to convince owners to part with one end of their garden to build a house there. Two retirees have just sold the bottom of their garden to a couple and, in a year, they will have two new owners here. Of the 600 owners that urban planner Amandine Hernandez has meeta quarter accepted the idea of seeing a new home built in their garden.
This solution makes it possible to avoid the flight of families outside the towns. Indeed, today, those who dream of a pavilion with a garden move a little further to the periphery. This is often the only way to have a little space for the children to run around. But at what cost ? Each year, 30,000 hectares of agricultural land and forests are eaten away, whereas in 2030, these concrete surfaces will have to be halved.