“Readers also need moments of pleasure, moments of pause”

Since the start of the school year, “Le Monde” has launched a new universe on its site: The taste of the world, articles concerning lifestyle: gastronomy, travel, fashion and design. In the spirit of the creation of “M le magazine du Monde” which had already begun to explore this territory, a magazine launched 11 years ago by Marie-Pierre Lannelongue.

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Reading time : 1 min.

In 2011, Marie-Pierre Lannelongue, coming from the styles and fashion pages of She and New Observerthrew M the magazine of the world by offering in the same supplement both a news section and a section more devoted to lifestyle. An idea inspired by two supplements from the American daily newspaper The New York Times, with a large place devoted to long and detailed investigations. Success is on the way.

The magazine is one of the only ones to see an increase in its distribution: in one year, it went from 461,000 copies on average to 489,000 copies.. The taste of the world is the new version: both a magazine published three times a year, the next one devoted to plants will be published on the weekend of November 5, and a new tab on the World.

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Participate in the consultation initiated as part of the European project De facto on the Make.org platform. Franceinfo is the partner

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