Reactions to the editorial “Duplessis, get out of this cheque!” »

Many of you commented on Stéphanie Grammond’s editorial on the CAQ government’s budget, tabled yesterday. Here is an overview of the approximately 200 emails received.

Posted at 2:00 p.m.

Why not collective use?

Totally agree with you, Grammond. I am one of those who will receive this money, but it does not make me hot or cold. I would have preferred a collective use: new hospitals, new schools… there is so much to do. We are not children who need candy.

Francoise Chesnay

A thoughtless gesture

A check for $500 for each person who earns less than $100,000 will only weaken the problem. If two adults in the same family earn $90,000 each ($180,000 family income), don’t tell me they have a financial problem. They will only be able to take advantage of this money to buy the $500 shoes they have been dreaming of for a long time and that will not change their way of life. They have no problem with money to cope with inflation and will continue to drive BMWs (two vehicles per family), have a big house, eat their filet mignon every week, and so on. It is a gesture that is no more thoughtful than that of the PCU.

Louise Larouche


Finally, the money is given fairly: I earn around $30,000 a year. Often, we give as a percentage, depending on the salary. Five hundred dollars for almost all of them is perfect.

Lise Gauvreau

No concrete measure

Really, an easy budget, without any concrete measures to stimulate the economy. A check for $500, and then what? We will quickly forget this check after a month and inflation will take over. Unfair to distribute a check without income weighting. Nothing to talk about efficiency in the health and education networks. So the solution is to pump even more money into a system that isn’t working?

Luc Langlois

Election candy

We pay too much tax in Quebec. This return of money is welcome, even if it is election candy! It is our money that comes back to us!

Andre Helms

Priority to people in need

Very bad decision! I’m a retiree with a modest income, but I would happily leave my $500 to people who really need it.

Gerald Dionne

Compensate for the less fortunate

Totally agree with M’s Grammond. It would have been wiser to compensate the poorest than to compensate almost the entire population. I would have preferred that the Régie des rentes du Québec increase gradually to counter price increases fairly and benefit the most disadvantaged.

Francois LeBlanc

A donation to those less fortunate

If receiving this $500 check seems inappropriate for so many people who “don’t really need it” given their income (on which, let’s remember, they have paid a proportional tax), nothing prevents them from doing so. donate themselves to the less fortunate!

Christian Boisvert, Prevost

And our planet?

Nobody can be against receiving $500, but I see no reason to send it to those whose income is more than $50,000 or $60,000 annually. When it comes to health, it’s okay to increase spending, especially with our very aging population. What disappoints me is the lack of environmental vision. In addition to doing nothing to reduce air pollution, we are going so far as to reduce subsidies for the purchase of an electric vehicle. It’s easy for a manager to give $500 out of one pocket and take out $1,000 in subsidies for the purchase of an electric vehicle in the other. Our governments don’t seem to realize the importance of helping our planet until it’s too late.

Michel Murray, Repentigny

Bravo, Mr. Girard

For once, we are all equal. Everyone is affected by inflation, even those who pay a lot of taxes. Congratulations, Mr. Girard, for having thought of us too.

Jocelyn Lavigne

An electoral practice

On the surface, the intention is laudable, but, in fact, the “deep” intention is much less so. We are not fooled by this generosity that could not be more self-serving on the part of the CAQ as the elections approach. Faced with a starving opposition, the CAQ does not need to stoop to electoral practices that belong to an era that we thought was over. François Legault and the CAQ would have gained credibility by targeting the people who need it most…

Jean-Paul Plante, Magog

Pre-election eye powder

The advertised check for $500 gets stuck in my throat. I don’t need this cheque, I’m lucky enough to make a good salary and I’d rather like less well-off people to have better help, for there to be better redistribution. It’s pre-election dust in the eyes. It’s insulting that the government thinks to buy us with a check.

Myriam Lepage Ouellette

Times are hard

It’s good news. If you don’t need the $500, return it. Times are tough, any help is welcome.

Joel Larocque, Bonaventure

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