Reactions to the editorial “Bury the third link”

Stéphanie Grammond’s editorial on the third link in Quebec City elicited many comments from our readers. Here is an overview of the emails received.

Read “Bury the Third Link”


I live in Quebec and I completely agree with you! It’s an insane project, a hyperbolic Videotron Center!

Louis Beland

A relief during the works

One of the major problems with the two links that unite the cities of Quebec and Lévis is that the Quebec Bridge must undergo major renovations and that the Pierre-Laporte Bridge was built for a lifespan of 70 years; do the count and we inevitably come to a dead end, where the two bridges will be in perpetual renovation generating upheavals in traffic. Hence the importance of creating a third link that will take over during this major work and minimize the impact on traffic while maintaining accessibility to commercial transport between the two shores.

Raynald Chabot, Quebec

Strongly the environmental impact analysis

Finally, thank you for taking a clear stand on this backward environmental project. Project which is, in fact, an ineffective solution to a non-existent problem. It is time for François Legault to stop his ridiculous stubbornness in promoting this project. Fortunately, the federal Minister of the Environment, Mr. Steven Guilbeault, will do useful work with our taxes by carrying out, when the time comes, a credible analysis of the environmental impact of the third link project, an analysis whose results could sign its death warrant for lack of federal funding.

Pierre Boyle, Saint-Lambert

For the future of eastern Quebec

We must look far into the future, this link will be the cornerstone of the development of eastern Quebec, from Lévis to the Gaspé. In doing so, the City of Quebec will become a nerve center of the economy. It’s not just a new bridge, it’s a real structuring project. In 30 years, we will see the benefits for Quebec.

Francois Boucher

Going back is not going back

You are absolutely right. I support the CAQ in large part in its program, but there, no. One of Mr. Legault’s strengths is to go back, to change direction. It is now or never that we will appreciate this quality and his leadership will be even more solid.

Anne-Marie Phaneuf

In a dead end

Ms. Grammond, I hope your editorial will help the Legault government realize that it is at an impasse with this insane tunnel project. It is time for the Prime Minister to admit his assessment error. Otherwise, the electorate will remind him in the next elections in 2022.

Louis Belanger

A necessity

No, I think the third link is superior in necessity to Mayor Jean Drapeau’s Olympic Stadium.

Réjean Carrière

Avoid chaos

You forget in your article the angle of the current sustainability of the Pierre-Laporte and Quebec bridges. One day, we too will have to replace them and this third link will make traffic safer. We saw the chaos this summer with the work on the Pierre-Laporte Bridge.

Julie lambert


Even the most logical and proven arguments against this project will not overcome the stubbornness of Legault, who has painted himself again in the corner with this project to please the mayor of Lévis.

Louis Rhéaume, Quebec City

Should we wait for a crisis?

What is the remaining lifespan of the Quebec Bridge? From the Pierre-Laporte bridge? Should we wait for another crisis like the Champlain Bridge? Residents of eastern Quebec are also dependent on these aging infrastructures. You talk about aging infrastructure. Someone will give us an in-depth analysis soon?

Chantale Martin

There is a better investment

I am from the Quebec City region and I am perfectly against the third link, which seems totally useless to me considering the aging workforce, the risks to the environment and the disastrous cost of this infrastructure. Improving current infrastructure would, in my opinion, be a better investment. I am of the opinion that contrary to the message sent by the CAQ, a large-scale city cannot be measured only by an infrastructure of this type.

Virginie jobin

Buses and renovations

Yes, and as soon as possible. That we put buses in the opposite direction on the bridge to serve the people of Lévis, as we did on the Champlain Bridge, rather than spending so much money when the current infrastructure is in poor condition. If Mr. Legault persists in his stubbornness, he will not have my vote.

Ginette Vezeau

For ecological solutions

I agree 100% with the arguments presented by Ms. Grammond. On the other hand, I am generally very satisfied with the Legault government and in particular with its management of the pandemic. But I will vote against the CAQ in the next election if our government persists in spending our taxes to advance this pharaonic Lévis-Quebec tunnel project rather than putting forward greener solutions to the problem of congestion during rush hour. .

Onil Roy, Quebec

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