reactions to proposals for sanctions against police officers



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As part of the Chahinez Daoud murder case, sanctions have been proposed against police officers from Mérignac (Gironde). Sylvaine Grévin, president of the national federation of victims of feminicides is on the set at 11pm.

In the first place, it considers that it does not have to judge the proposals for sanctions against the police officers. She thinks that awareness and preparation for this kind of drama is essential right now. The possible referral of the police officers concerned to a disciplinary council testifies to the will of the police force to fight against violence against women.

The police are not the only ones who should be punished

Sylvaine Grévin believes that the police are not the only ones to deserve sanctions in cases of feminicide. Indeed, she thinks that magistrates also deserve sanctions. Despite the failings of justice, magistrates are hardly ever punished. In addition, Sylvaine Grévin thinks that this absence of sanctions creates a climate of distrust of the population vis-à-vis justice.


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