Saturday, 1:45 p.m. Planes pass overhead every two minutes. Indisputable sign that we are indeed in Saint-Laurent. Raymond Bourque is followed and surrounded by a crowd of young and old. The former Bruins and Avalanche sits in front of the representative of The Press. Under a marquee, in the shade, to give him some respite.
Posted at 5:12 p.m.
We begin the discussion on the reason for his visit to Montreal on this first weekend of September, when he resides in Boston with his family.
The arena that bears his name on the outskirts of Marcel-Laurin Park announced its reopening. Two and a half years after the start of the project. The place is completely renovated, energy efficient and ready to welcome its community to get it moving.
“It brings back memories,” says Raymond Bourque straight away. My whole childhood was spent here. It’s fun. »
The 61-year-old man, with graying hair and beard, talks to us while affixing his autograph to the sweaters handed to him by people gathered around. Then he makes a sign to them to wait a few minutes, the time to give this journalist his full attention. To answer his question about where his journey as a hockey player began, in particular.
“My father lived on the other side of the street for several years,” Bourque points out, pointing to Boulevard Thimens. Saint Laurent. This is where it happened. This is where I was helped to live the career that I lived. »

Raymond Bourque took the time to sign many autographs when the arena bearing his name reopened.
A few minutes earlier, the legendary Quebec defender had given a speech inside the arena, on the ice. He was notably accompanied by Danièle Sauvageau and Kim St-Pierre, the two ambassadors of the project, the borough mayor, Alan DeSousa, as well as the Liberal MP Marwah Rizqy. All had mentioned the importance of the establishment for the community, for the young people, to keep its population active.
Sauvageau does not reside in Saint-Laurent. But she worked for the Montreal City Police Service for 33 years. Especially in the borough where the Raymond-Bourque arena is located.
The reminder of her career as a police officer is not fortuitous. An establishment like this is “a place where young people can meet”.
I said it jokingly earlier: if we don’t occupy our young people, they will occupy the police services.
Daniele Sauvageau
She is interrupted by a young boy, who asks her who is the tall gentleman surrounded by people there. She explains to him that he is a legendary NHL defenseman. Then encourages him to go ask for an autograph. Before telling us an anecdote.
“During one of my first calls to the patrol in another borough, I was told: ‘There are young people strolling around the arena,'” says the woman who notably led Canada to the medal of Olympic gold at the Salt Lake City Games in 2002.
“I say, ‘What are they doing? He said, “They have no business there.” I say, “I like having them there as much as having them on the street. I can’t even believe you’re calling the police about this.” »

Alan DeSousa, Daniele Sauvageau, Raymond Bourque and Kim St-Pierre
Sauvageau “grew up in arenas”.
“It’s an environment where the community can come together. Young people, it’s through sport, physical activity, through the fact that they develop all the skills they will need once they get to work. »
” It’s not the same ”
Raymond Bourque played 23 years in the NHL. Including 21 seasons with the Bruins. Before finally deciding to go and try one last time to win the Stanley Cup. What he did with the Colorado Avalanche in 2001. He lifted the precious trophy on his last professional outing.
This player-team loyalty is rare these days. The summer of the Calgary Flames, who had to trade Johnny Gaudreau and Matthew Tkachuk in quick succession, bears witness to this.
“It’s not the same anymore, agrees Bourque. They allow players to do that. You become a free agent after six years. We used to sign a contract and we couldn’t go anywhere. We had no rights. They have so many today. »
But he assures that he has “nothing against that”.
However, there is one who has decided to honor the trust of his team by pursuing – and probably to conclude – his career: Patrice Bergeron, who signed a one-year pact with the Bruins this summer. The club that drafted him in 2003.
“Patrice said it: if he had to play another year, it was going to be in Boston. He’s a great hockey player. But above all he is a great man. »
“The second he hangs up his skates, his sweater is going to be next to mine in the Garden bleachers. »