Rayane Bensetti injured after an accident: images of his fall “into an abyss”

Rayane Bensetti’s adventures in the mountains are definitely worth the detour! The actor was not bored during his vacation, which even caused him a few small problems. Indeed, he ended up injuring himself. As Rayane Bensetti explained on Wednesday, he had fun with two of his friends sledding on the slopes. But, it is without great safety rules that the group hurtled down very thorny slopes. And result: the ex of Denitsa Ikonomova ends up with the meniscus “farted”, a sprained ankle and bruises all over the leg.

It was despite everything with a smile that he decided to recount in detail the circumstances of his accident, supporting images. In story Instagram, the actor unveiled the videos of his accident, commenting over it in voice-over. “It all started with my friend who had his own way of sledding. At the beginning, I rather mastered my subject. They decided to go harder and go higher. And that’s where the worries started. I told myself that I could raise the level. I went for it, took a few bumps, felt a lot of adrenaline, got a lot of speed, but … it was a failure. You can see it from the position of my legs, I have absolutely nothing in control. The speed started to catch me off guard and … I fell into the abyss“, he explained.

And indeed, we end up seeing Rayane Bensetti lying down and visibly unable to move in the only place where there is no snow (see our slideshow). “I am with my sled, on the concrete!“, he says, filming himself live after his fall from 4 meters as he estimates. And quickly, Rayane Bensetti felt that something was wrong.”I broke my leg for sure“, we hear him say in the video. After which, he had to be taken out of his hole. So it was his two friends who were forced to wear it, not without difficulty. hui laugh the actor.

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