The RATP servers only keep the images for 72 hours. Beyond that, they are automatically erased, except in the event of a requisition by the courts.
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The CCTV images of line 13 of the metro which lead to the Stade de France have also been automatically deleted, indicates the RATP to franceinfo, Friday June 10, confirming information from the Parisian. As with the Stade de France images, they were not requisitioned in time by the courts and were automatically deleted for storage reasons.
>> What are the rules for keeping CCTV images?
“Without legal requisition, the images are automatically overwritten by the new recordings”, explains the RATP, which has more than 51,000 video protection cameras throughout its network. They film the platforms, the stations and their surroundings. However, the RATP servers only have a storage capacity for these images of 72 hours.
Images from CCTV cameras operated by the Stade de France during the Champions League final were also not kept. They were destroyed after seven days, for lack of a requisition of justice. The police headquarters said it still has its own. These images are kept for thirty days and are “obviously always at the disposal of justice”, said the prefecture.
On Friday, an investigation for “theft”, “aggravated theft” and “aggravated violence” was opened. In this context, the Smart Crime Repression Brigade (BRDA) in charge of the investigation sent legal requisitions to the various operators with a video surveillance system around the stadium. Too late, therefore, for those of the Stade France consortium and the RATP.
On May 30, two days after the Champions League final, the Bobigny prosecution opened a first investigation for “organized gang scam”.