Raqball, the new sport from Valbonne

Raqball, here is a strange name!… And yet, everything is in the title. Practiced with rackets and a ball in teams of six players (three on the field and three substitutes), the game can be played on any surface. Hence its attraction to interest all audiences, all ages too.

With an objective is both simple and strategic: with their racquet, players must put the ball in a target, thanks to passes between partners or individual progressions. Or how to move from an individual sport to the collective virtues of a discipline!

A 100% French creation

But originally, it was an artist who drew the contours of this new practice. Christophe Ouensou says Chris Oven », a sculptor, painter, visual artist, and sports enthusiast. Up to the point of imagining in 2012, a sport in which two teams evolve with a racket and a ball: a new collective racket sport was born!

Raqball which, in order to develop, can rely on three structures: the startup Rzball Company, which develops mobile raqball equipment, the International Raqball Federation responsible for filing and protecting official regulations for this practice, and the French Federation whose mission is to develop the practice of leisure, future clubs and raqball competitions.

A multi-age and all-terrain sport

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