Rapper Shown Omar in residence in Saint-Quentin to prepare for his concert

After three days of rehearsal at the Manufacture de Saint-Quentin, the musician is ready for his new show this Saturday, February 19, on this same stage.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture


Reading time : 1 min.

Lights, arrangements, attitude, the rapper Shown Omar was able to enjoy a three-day residency at La Manufacture de Saint-Quentin (Aisne). Three full days that allowed him to refine his new set. The result is to be discovered this Saturday, February 19 at 8 p.m. in concert.

Bold and self-taught adventurer, Shown Omar is a fan of rich melodies and deep lyrics. Heartbroken rapper, just like his voice, this outstanding storyteller tells us about his love stories which are also a bit ours. On stage, Shown Omar tells us stories sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always with the desire to keep the positive. “It’s a new set, it’s pieces that are sometimes poignant, sometimes ‘turn up’, I try to bring rhythm and explosiveness and in the middle of the set we enter into reflection and questioning”, he explains.


It is framed by the entire technical and artistic team of La Manufacture that the rapper from Saint-Quentin was able to refine his set of eight titles. Meticulous work, rehearsals until late at night to make the music and the beautiful pen of the musician shine. “We dissected the pieces one by one, we chose to keep certain arrangements, harmonies on choruses, small dubbing to support certain words, we worked on the sound of the voice with passages in auto-tune”, reveals Sylvain Tricotet, sound manager at La Manufacture.

A complete support that will continue for a year on all aspects of musical production. “In our city they really want to give a little space to rap, we are in good luck”, rejoices Hicham Meliani, manager of Shown Omar. Next step after the concert, the release of a new EP produced by a record company.

Shown Omar co-set with Feini-X Crew and YN. Saturday February 19, 2022 at 8 p.m. at La Manufacture de Saint-Quentin
10 € (full price)


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