The rapper is accused by his ex-girlfriend of not having paid full child support for his six-year-old daughter.
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Rapper Kaaris is the subject of a complaint filed by his ex-girlfriend for “family abandonment” with the Beauvais (Oise) prosecutor’s office, indicates, Friday, July 14, the complainant’s lawyer to franceinfo, confirming information of the Parisian. He is accused of not having paid full child support for his six-year-old daughter.
The rapper and his ex-girlfriend have been separated for a few years. According to a court decision rendered by the family court judge at the end of 2022, Kaaris “must pay 2,500 euros every month as a contribution to the maintenance and education of his child”, explains Me Adrien Gabeaud, the plaintiff’s lawyer. A final decision, since the rapper did not appeal.
“Kaaris never paid this contribution as it was set, sometimes paying 500 euros, sometimes 1,000 or 1,500, randomly.”
Adrien Gabeaudat franceinfo
As of the date of the filing of the complaint, a month ago, around 7,000 euros were missing from the rapper’s ex-girlfriend, according to his lawyer. Me Gabeaud says wait for the rapper “be summoned by the investigators and that the Beauvais public prosecutor’s office can set a hearing date as quickly as possible”.
A hearing in November
Rapper Kaaris will also be summoned to the Évry criminal court on November 23, 2023, as part of an investigation into accusations of violence against his ex-girlfriend. The complainant will be tried the same day for “home invasion” and “damage to property”.
Okou Gnakouri’s ex-girlfriend, real name, filed a complaint last July for facts dating back to January 2021. She claims that the rapper punched and kicked her. She also accuses her ex’s new companion of “non-assistance to anyone in danger”. Kaaris denies this violence and filed a complaint for slanderous denunciation.