Rapper Freeze Corleone’s show canceled

The show that French rapper Freeze Corleone was to give at the Olympia Theater on December 4 was finally canceled, apparently following pressure from the B’nai Brith organization, which deemed his lyrics anti-Semitic.

John Siag

John Siag
The Press

B’nai Brith had been calling on the Olympia Theater for days to cancel Freeze Corleone’s performance, accusing the rapper of Holocaust denial, using hateful rhetoric toward Jews and advocating Nazism.

In a statement released on Monday, B’nai Brith said she was happy to learn that the broadcaster was in the process of canceling the show, which was removed from the Olympia website at the request of the owner of the room, Patrick Levy, again according to B’nai Brith.

Ticket holders eventually received a message from the ticketing service Ticketmaster advising them that the concert had been canceled by “the organizers of the event”. The Ticketmaster website also confirms the cancellation of the concert. The management of the Olympia Theater did not return our calls.

The Press tried to contact producer Smoking Camel (SC) to find out if the rapper was still going to come to the country (and find another venue), but SC did not respond to our messages.

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