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Many lives are turned upside down by long Covid cases. Marina Carrère d’Encausse has been warning us about this for weeks. Is there a profile of these patients?
“What we know is that it is also people who have had a primary infection, therefore severe or mild acute infection and that it is rather people who are young, who are active, a little more women than men, and people who have no risk factor”, describes the doctor and host. To people who feel alone, isolated, “we must already not wait too much (…) the long Covid is from a month. Because as we don’t know him well, we tell ourselves that the earlier we take care of him, the more chances we have of getting out of it.“, says Marina Carrère d’Encausse.
The High Authority for Health has made various recommendations. First of all “consult your doctor or a general practitioner, who can, in certain cases, treat certain symptoms”. For more complex symptoms, rheumatological, cardiac, he will refer to a specialist. And when the disease is really complex, he can refer to a center “post Covid” dedicated. A long disabling Covid for all these families, but also for the doctors, “especially since in some cases, these are symptoms that appear at a distance”, indicates Marina Carrère d’Encausse on the set of 19/20.