Raphaël Haddad, specialist in political communication, points out “a tactical error on the part of the Élysée”



Video length: 4 min

Major debate at the Agricultural Show: Raphaël Haddad, specialist in political communication, points out “a tactical error on the part of the Élysée”

Major debate at the Agricultural Show: Raphaël Haddad, specialist in political communication, points out “a tactical error on the part of the Élysée” – (franceinfo)

On the eve of the big debate desired by Emmanuel Macron at the Salon de l’agriculture, Saturday February 24, Raphaël Haddad, specialist in political communication and founder of the communication agency Mots-Clés, provides his analysis in 12/13 info.

What turn is the big debate desired by Emmanuel Macron taking at the Agricultural Show, Saturday February 24? “We have to change hands”analysis in the 12/13 info, Friday, the specialist in political communication Raphaël Haddad, who sees “a tactical error on the part of the Élysée”. “From the point of view of agricultural mobilization, the Agricultural Show was a bit of an epilogue. In terms of democratic dynamics, it is no longer really the time for debate. It is the time to the conclusion, of the synthesis, (…) of a horizon”details the founder of the communications agency Mots-Clés.

Emmanuel Macron “re-annoyed everyone”

The format of the debate being “the one who succeeds best at Emmanuel Macron”the president, whatever the subject, “try through a big debate, a medium debate, a small debate to regain control”, analyzes Raphaël Haddad. According to him, the president this time “generally tried to use the same recipe, without taking sufficient account of the timing in which this public debate took place. As a result, he re-energized everyone, on the basis of a trust that was very fragile.”

Beyond error “tactical” from the Élysée, Raphaël Haddad evokes a “political error” from the FNSEA, which refused to participate. “We cannot say two weeks apart that we believe we have obtained satisfaction to the point of returning the trucks to the farms, and two weeks later consider that it is so serious that we do not even want to deign to respond to the invitation of the President of the Republic”analyzes the specialist in political communication.

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