Video length: 8 min
European elections: Raphaël Glucksmann is “an influencer without influence”, tackles Horizons MEP Nathalie Loiseau
Nathalie Loiseau, Horizons MEP, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday May 3.
(France 2)
Nathalie Loiseau, Horizons MEP, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday May 3.
As the European elections approach, the list of Raphaël Glucksmann (Socialist Party-Place publique) is getting closer to that of Valérie Hayer, presidential majority candidate, in the polls. “What is Raphaël Glucksmann used for? ?“, intasks Nathalie Loiseau in “4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday May 3. “If it is to unite the left, what sadly happened to him on May 1, when he was taken to task, shows that it is a failure. There will be no union of the left around Raphaël Glucksmann“, believes Horizons MEP. Nathalie Loiseau is thus referring to the fact that Raphaël Glucksmann was prevented from joining the May 1 procession in Saint-Étienne (Loire).
“He is absent from all the major meetings that matter”
The one who carried the majority list during the last European elections in 2019 attacks the record of Raphaël Glucksmann in the European Parliament. “He was against the recovery plan, he was against the asylum and migration pact, he was against the fight against online child crime. He is absent from all the major meetings that matter“, denounces Nathalie Loiseau. The Horizons MEP affirms that the Socialist Party-Public Square candidate is “isolated” And “does not weigh“within his group in the European Parliament.”He is an influencer without influence“, she says. “He’s a very nice person (…), but he doesn’t carry weight, he serves no purpose in this story.“, insists Nathalie Loiseau.