Raphael balances on his loved ones and shocks the Web with his alluring Christmas gifts

In recent years, Raphael has achieved success with his countless musical projects. Far from rhinestones and sequins, the artist is resourceful with his family. In the city, he spins the perfect love with Mélanie Thierry. The couple have always relied on discretion to preserve their privacy. In the columns of Paris Match last year, the actress however departed from the rule. “I was twenty when we met. We grew up and evolved together ”, told Mélanie Thierry to our colleagues. “We are so closely linked that, one without the other, we have the impression of having one less member”.

Raphael and Mélanie Thierry are also the happy parents of two children named Roman and Aliocha. If at 13 years old the actress embarked on modeling without scintillating, she wants her children not to imitate her course. “I’m not here to bully my children, but I want them to study and take their time. It’s a beautiful job, a model, but it can quickly shoot you down […] these image and celebrity professions sometimes break lives “, she specified for Marie Claire.

For his part, Raphael is proud that they too have inherited the artistic fiber. “My kids, they play Miyazaki on the piano like gods ”, stressed the interpreter of “On the road” for Paris Match last February and to specify: “They are fascinated by manga music and […] They like [David ndlr] Bowie ”. Like their famous mother, her two sons are not lacking in humor. This Sunday, December 26 on Instagram, the singer unveiled the Christmas gifts they had offered him. And their presents had an effect.

“On the left the gift from my children (Brenda, a surfer who uncaps beers with her ass), on the right that of my wife, a headless candle, well we can see what it is! I think my family thinks I’m the last of the beaufs! Merry Christmas everyone! ”, captioned Raphael under his post. In the comments thread, many Internet users reacted. “Sorry for you. It’s revenge !! You must have given some rotten presents one day ”,“ Strange as a gift ”,“ Ah it’s still targeted ”,“ Beauf? Or pervert? They say that the truth comes out of the mouths of children ”,“ Indeed, do they want to send a message? ”… The mystery remains!

See this post on Instagram A post shared by Raphael (@raphaelharoche)


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