rapes committed by Russian soldiers?



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The use of rape as a weapon of war is beginning to be reported in Ukraine. Several edifying testimonies, including that of a Russian soldier, were unveiled on Wednesday, April 6.

Since the discovery of dozens of bodies abandoned in the middle of the street in Boutcha (Ukraine), the Russian authorities have denounced a Ukrainian staging. On the ground, in the cities occupied a few days ago by the Russian army, the Ukrainian forces are trying to collect as much evidence and clues as possible about the abuses committed by the Russian soldiers.

According to several testimonies, rapes were also committed. A telephone conversation of a Russian soldier with his mother was picked up by the Ukrainian services: “Boys raped a woman, an adult, and a sixteen-year-old girl. I want to shoot those who did this.” These testimonies are recorded by humanitarian organizations. For the past month, the International Criminal Court has been investigating the abuses committed in Ukraine.

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