Raped “TPMP” star columnist refuses to file a complaint

In March 2020, while the world of cinema wondered about the presence of director Roman Polanski at the Césars and the controversy swelled over the nomination of his film “J’accuse”, Isabelle Morini Bosc revealed live in ” Don’t touch my post” having been the victim of several attacks during his life. “I was touched for 5 years, I was raped 3 times, so I have every right to say that I like the movie J’accuse” she said on C8.

“It lasted two hours… And then I finished my jogging”
Invited to the program “Chez Jordan” this Saturday, February 12, 2022, the columnist returned to this tragedy that occurred in 2016 while she was jogging in Neuilly: “That was six years ago. I was belted back as I walked. He took me to a grove. A gentleman who was a marathon runner… I was very lucky.” she asserted. Isabelle Morini-Bosc then explained that her attack lasted two long hours and that she found the strength to speak with her attacker: “I talked all the time, I had a lot of composure. Obviously, he wasn’t a full-time bastard, we talked a lot. It lasted two hours… And then, I finished my jogging.”

Against all expectations, the columnist did not file a complaint after being raped. “I did not file a complaint because I was dirty[FilingacomplainttomagnifythestatisticsisnotAndthenIhaveafaultIhaveanover-empathyInawayIforgavehim”[…Porterplaintepourgrossirlesstatistiquescen’estpas…Etpuisj’aiundéfautj’aiunesur-empathieEnquelquesortejeluiaipardonné”she explains. On the set of TPMP already, she had explained why she did not take the path of the police station: “I had only one desire: it was to go home and take a shower and find my husband who was returning from Haute-Savoie.”

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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