Rape by surprise by a pensioner from Nice: the false playboy of the Web sentenced to 8 years by the criminal court of Hérault

Eight years of criminal imprisonment: this is the sentence to which the criminal court sentenced Jack Sion. This Nice retiree has been tried in Montpellier since Monday for “surprise rapes”.
On social networks, he was posing as a fake playboy in his thirties and luring his victims to his home. Before his conviction, the accused had repeated that he had “never been aware of committing anything criminal“. He decided to appeal.

This decision of the 5 professional judges of this new experimental court is nevertheless below the requisitions of the Advocate General, who had asked for 12 years and portrayed an accused “serial rapist, liar, manipulator and predator“:

There is no half-rape, there is no sub-rape. We are facing a rapist.

Robert Bartoletti, General Counsel

Robert Bartoletti points out that Jack Sion, 74 years old today, 67 at the time of the facts, could never have attracted so many young women under his true identity. But there is no question of putting the dating sites on the Internet on trial, on which “not everyone is lying, not everyone is like Jack Sion“.

This legal notion of “surprise rapes” concerning the septuagenarian de Nice had initially been rejected by the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal, before being finally retained by the Court of Cassation.

It lies in the deception used by the accused to attract his victims.
The man offered them a meeting scenario worthy of the successful erotic novel “50 Shades of Gray”: once they arrived at the meeting place plunged into darkness, the young women encountered on the Internet were invited to blindfold. The accused then tied their hands before having sex with them.
It was only after removing their blindfolds that they discovered that they had been deceived.

At the stand, those who lodged a complaint all told the same modus operandi. One of them explains:

I am with a stranger to whom I have never spoken, and especially to whom I have never given my consent.

Investigators found a notebook in his home containing nearly 350 names and descriptions of women. Three of them have filed complaints, but they could be dozens, if not hundreds, to have been victims of the deception.

The decision of the Hérault criminal court is expected during the day.

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