Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin reveals her idea for a menu for less than 15 euros per guest for Christmas

Viewers of “Large families, life in XXL” can, every day of the week, discover how parents manage daily life surrounded by several children. Because these extraordinary families necessarily have habits that are a little different from traditional households. The great tribe they raise forces them to make some concessions and above all to find some tricks to have fun. And when the Christmas holidays arrive, you have to be ingenious so as not to ruin yourself.

In the episode of September 5, it was Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin who revealed her idea so as not to spend too much while the mother of the family still chose to bring together nearly thirty guests for New Year’s Eve. For the meat, the mother still paid 75 euros. Which forced her to make sacrifices for the rest of the budget “In all with our shopping for New Year’s Eve, we had for 275 euros for thirty people. That doesn’t even make us 15 euros for the menu per person. It’s wonderful, it’s reasonable. We will eat well for cheap“, explained Stéphane’s wife. The savings made afterwards allowed him to make a menu at around 9 euros per person. “Hold your wallet lighter“, she launched to her husband on returning from his shopping.

Last spring, his companion was singled out after having organized a family picnic to relieve his wallet: “JZs always budget, budget, budget. Please take him out of the show. Laying so many children and complaining every time.”, “On the other hand, 30 slices of ham, 30 of chicken breast & 30 of rosettes is super excessive”, “The Zéphirins, they can slam 7000th in a vacation the mountain but they can’t slam 300th restaurant in the park ???”, “Yeah finally when you don’t have the budget for a brewery but you put 50€ at the butcher and the bakery. Buying charcuterie in the store is already cheaper.


See also: Upset, Elie Sémoun settles his accounts with his family!

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