Rang Xu or the art of combining body and mind

When she arrived in Limoges in 2011 at the age of 28, Rang Xu immediately appreciated “ calm ” from the city. We can easily imagine this when we know that in Zhengzhou there are more than 4 million inhabitants daily, ie a density of 4,735 inhabitants per km2 against a little over 130,000 in Limoges.

Ten years later, we are no longer talking to a student but to a doctor in philosophy of tai chi chan. No coincidence when we know that the province of Henan is home to the famous Shaolin Temple, known around the world as the source of Kunh-Fu in China.

Rich in these roots and in her knowledge, with the collaboration of Wei Xu, her husband, she founded an association to transmit this art which ” combines body and mind ” and ” teaches man to form a harmonious unity with nature “.

China’s ecological awareness?

Nature, which is also in question when we address the angry question: China, the planet’s leading polluter, particularly with its coal factories which continue to operate at full capacity?

First emitter of greenhouse gases but, as always, the truth is in the nuance that Rang Xu brings us: ” for thirty years, the economy to be dominated ” but DMany projects have come out, such as controlling electricity or planting trees “. Indeed, last year, China presented an ecological protection plan for the next fifteen years with the objective of extending its forest cover by a third over this period.

There is an emergency here, as elsewhere where climate change is on the move. In the summer of 2021, in Zhengzhou, in twenty-four hours, it rains the equivalent of 86% of the annual average. The yellow river that crosses the city overflows. Result: hundreds of deaths and a large-scale paralysis for this first-rate economic center.

We see the straw in his neighbor’s eye, but not the beam in his

A look at our way of considering the environment is also rich in teaching. Rang Xu notes that we “talk a lot about the environment” in France, “but for practice”, we can do better.

To meditate…

France Bleu Limousin hopes you had a pleasant trip with its guest Rang XU …

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  • Tai Ji and QI Gong Institute of Haute Vienne and Boisseuil

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