Ramzy Bedia and Anne Depétrini: their daughter Ella is sublime, the perfect mix of her parents

In 1999, Ramzy Bédia and Anne Depétrini formalized their love story. Very quickly, the comedian and the former Miss Météo de Canal + founded their family by becoming parents of Ella and Ava. If the second remains discreet and wanted to keep her Instagram account private, Ella is however fond of story and regular social media posts.

Magnificent brunette with curly hair and jet black eyes, the young woman is the spitting image of her parents. A perfect mix that mixes the sunny beauty of her mom and the mischievous look and expression of her dad. Keen on fashion, the beautiful brunette often reveals her ultra-colorful looks where she does not hesitate to wear neon pink tights or pumps. bling bling adorned with XXL diamonds.

Outfits often stolen from her mother, who is not necessarily delighted to find her clothes worn on her daughter without her consent. “So we’re going through my closet…“, she also wrote in the caption, annoyed by this “loan” strength. “For obvious reasons, I’m going to have to restrict you from my mom posts.“, replied Ella, who obviously has the same repartee as her famous dad.

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