RAMQ and SAAQ cards | The government will offer “X markers”

Quebecers who identify as neither man nor woman will soon be able to finally opt for an “X” gender marker on their health insurance card and their driver’s license.

The Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) and the Régie de l’assurance santé du Québec (RAMQ) affirm that they have been informed of the government’s decision to add a third gender option to these two health cards. government identity.

The Health Insurance Authority says it learned of the decision Monday morning and will immediately take steps to implement this change.

The RAMQ and the SAAQ say that people who had requested a non-binary marker on their card will be contacted shortly to discuss the next steps in the process.

Quebec allows a non-binary gender marker on birth and death certificates, but unlike other provinces, it has not previously offered this option on health insurance cards or driver’s licenses.

Quebec’s Minister of the Status of Women explained last year that an interministerial committee was studying the issue, but she did not specify when the X marker could be offered.

In the meantime, she announced in December the composition of a “committee of wise people” to study the whole question of gender identity.

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