Ram car in US Christmas parade: at least 5 dead, 40 injured

Authorities in Wisconsin in the northern United States are working on Monday to understand the circumstances under which an SUV-type vehicle crashed into a crowd gathered for a Christmas parade in Waukesha the day before, leaving at least five dead and 40 injured.

“We can confirm that 5 people died and 40 injured. However, this toll may change as we continue to collect information, ”the city police department said on its Facebook page, noting that a suspect had been taken into custody.

The incident occurred at around 4.30 p.m. (10.30 p.m. GMT) on Sunday in this locality, where a Christmas parade is held every year.

According to witnesses and footage, the SUV burst behind a group of marching school musicians.

“All I heard was screaming and then people yelling the names of their children,” a witness, Angela O’Boyle, whose apartment overlooks the main street where it is located, told CNN. this parade was taking place.

“The Waukesha Christmas Parade was taking place when a red SUV knocked down the barriers on the west side and headed for Main Street (the main street),” Police Chief Dan Thompson told a conference. hurry.

“The car hit more than 20 people, some of them were children and there were injuries because of this event,” he said.

Previously, local officials, for their part, indicated that 11 adults and 12 children had been taken to hospital.

“The police found a suspicious vehicle. An investigation is underway, ”added Mr. Thompson, adding that a“ person of interest ”had been arrested.

“Big shock”

Police fired at the vehicle in an attempt to stop it, authorities also said.

Schools will not open Monday and some roads will remain closed during the investigation, said Mr. Thompson.

Angelito Tenorio, candidate for the post of State Treasurer and present at the scene, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he saw an SUV-type vehicle speeding down the road used by the parade.

“Then I heard a big shock and deafening screams from people hit by the vehicle,” he said.

“One of our Catholic priests is among the injured, as are many parishioners and children at the Catholic school in Waukesha,” said Milwaukee Catholic Church spokesperson Sandra Peterson.

US President Joe Biden has been briefed on this tragedy, the White House “is keeping precisely informed of the situation in Waukesha and our hearts are breaking in the face of all those who have been struck by this terrible event,” said a senior official. US presidency.

“We have contacted local and state officials to offer our assistance if needed,” he added.

Several Wisconsin parliamentarians have expressed their condolences, including Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin for whom this “horrible violence breaks our hearts.”

The governor of Wisconsin said for his part that he and his wife “prayed for Waukesha that night and for the children, families and members of this community struck by this meaningless act.”

The event came at the end of a turbulent week in Wisconsin where a young American, Kyle Rittenhouse, was acquitted on trial this week after he shot dead two men last year during riots and protests against violence. police officers in Kenosha, located approximately 80 km from Waukesha.

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