Raising awareness of societal issues

This text is part of the TÉLUQ University special notebook

The organization of work, the balance between personal life and professional life, financial management… so many current topics at the where TÉLUQ University shines, both in teaching and in research.

“Due to the labor shortage, telecommuting and work-family balance stand out as major attraction and retention factors. [pour les employeurs], observes Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay, professor at the École des sciences de l’administration and holder of the Research Chair on the socio-organizational issues of the knowledge economy. There are reconciliation issues for all age groups, for employment-studies, family, caregivers, employees at the end of their careers. One of the factors that encourage them to stay is being able to telecommute. »

A pioneer in balancing studies, work and family, TÉLUQ University continues to be a leading figure in the field in the province, both in terms of teaching and research. “Decades ago, we used books and cassettes to learn while TÉLUQ courses were broadcast on television on channels like Canal Savoir, recalls Ms.me Tremblay. The pandemic has brought this model to the fore [à distance] ; many students discovered us. They want to do more distance and online courses. On the side of the universities, there are colleagues and universities who have confirmed the interest of this formula. »

TÉLUQ University also offers several courses and programs in human resources management in order to train new generations of professionals who are more sensitive to these realities. “By making students think, it allows them to be better advisers and professionals, more empathetic,” adds Amélie Bernier, professor at the School of Administrative Sciences and associate researcher at the Center francophone d’informatisation des organizations ( CEFRIO).

“We know TÉLUQ University well for its undergraduate programs in human resources [RH]we have several HR programs, including certificates of study and bachelor’s degrees with a concentration in HR, continue Mme Bernard. We improve our offer every year to always be close to reality”, she continues, giving as examples the new courses in HR management in the context of a project, contemporary HR management, digital skills in HR management, or even courses on the meaning of work.

Finally, TÉLUQ researchers are very present in the advancement of knowledge related to the world of work, by focusing on various aspects such as law, health and safety, harassment, policies or organization. “We are interested in the retention of our workers, explains Mr.me Bernard. This involves, among other things, prevention and well-being, work organization, an inclusive work environment. »

Teaching tax havens

TÉLUQ University also stands out in economics, through its interest in finance offshore. Tax havens are often in the blind spot of society, observes professor at the School of Administration Franck Jovanovic. “People don’t quite understand what’s going on. [à propos des paradis fiscaux] and that poses a problem, ”believes Franck Jovanovic, on the importance of educating as many people as possible on the issue, which has an impact on the entire economic system. Financial knowledge offshore are also useful for business leaders, who often come to consult it to ensure that they do not inadvertently cross a legal “red line”, reveals the specialist.

Yet tax havens are virtually absent from university curricula in the province, observes Mr. Jovanovic, who explains that the issue can be difficult to address due to its many facets and its terminologies which change from continent to continent. other. At TÉLUQ University, Franck Jovanovic teaches two courses on the legal and illegal aspects of tax havens. “She is a brilliant laboratory which brings this flexibility, I could not have entered a standard course”, expresses the specialist. The latter appreciates the freedom they enjoy in the establishment to shape the content of their courses and integrate learning methods, such as games or audiovisual animations.

“You can go at your own pace. This means that a student interested in these specific questions can do all of this in two weeks. It’s an accelerator in the way of finding information”, he maintains.

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the To have to, relating to marketing. The drafting of To have to did not take part.

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