Radio France and five other media groups sign a charter to improve the traceability of information

The objective is to allow readers or listeners to better identify a source and thus fight against the circulation of false information.


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A charter to allow readers and listeners to see if a source is reliable (illustrative photo).  (SORBETTO / DIGITAL VISION VECTORS)

Radio France and five groups of press organs (L’Alliance de la Presse d’Information Générale, SEPM, FNPS, SPIIL and SIRTI*) have signed a charter for greater traceability of information. Its aim is to enable readers or listeners of these media to better identify the source and reliability of information, thanks to the more systematic citation of its media origin.

The idea is therefore to allow the reader to be able to place their trust accordingly, and ultimately to fight against the circulation of false information. The signatories therefore undertake to “respect and name the source of any information of which they are not the originator”including the imposition of “recovery limitations, mention of the source in the event of a scoop and the appointment of a dedicated referent, proving the commitment of the signatories to respect these essential principles”.

The signatories undertake to put this “charter on traceability and information curation” available to their 3,200 press titles and nearly 28,000 journalists, or 80% of French journalists. The General Information Press Alliance brings together nearly 300 political and general information titles. The SEPM represents 80 member companies, large press groups and independent publishers, which employ nearly 7,300 journalists. The FNPS or National Federation of the Specialized Information Press is a professional press management organization and represents nearly 500 companies publishing 1,750 publications. The SPIIL or Independent Radio Union brings together 176 radio stations. The SIRTI or Syndicate of the Independent Online Information Press is currently studying the representation and defense of the interests of online press publishers and brings together nearly 200 publishers.

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