Radio Canada | Yolande James pursuing diversity and inclusion goals

Yolande James has not been idle since she was appointed Director General, Diversity and Inclusion, of Radio-Canada, in June 2021. And there is no indication that she will experience a lull soon since she will have to ensure that At least one LGBTQ+, visible minority, disabled or Indigenous person will occupy a key position on all public broadcaster programming by 2025.

Posted at 8:00 a.m.

Marc-Andre Lemieux

Marc-Andre Lemieux
The Press

This is what the former deputy and provincial minister recalled on Monday during our interview. Announced in 2019 by Catherine Tait, President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, this goal is certainly ambitious, especially since it concerns the jobs of producer, writer, director and lead actor.

But like all of the broadcaster’s other diversity and inclusion goals, it is of great importance, insists Yolande James. “Diversity is not an opinion; it’s a reality. »

Yolande James took her time before accepting our interview request. Twelve months, to be precise. During our meeting, our interlocutor justifies her radio silence by pleading that she had “a lot of work”.

“I wanted to do my homework, build my team and set up my action plans. »


The creation at Radio-Canada of a management position, diversity and inclusion, raised many questions last summer. Today, Yolande James seems delighted to set the record straight and explain her role, which still seems unclear to some viewers.

“As a public broadcaster, we have given ourselves the mandate to reflect the public, not only in our programming, but among our employees. My role is to make it happen. And to do this, I have to work in coordination with all sectors: information, television, communications, finance, etc. »

When asked to list her accomplishments since arriving, Yolande James opens by talking about a minority-only accelerator internship program. She then mentions an initiative that will ensure that we see and hear more new voices on the air. “Competent” people with vast “expertise”, specifies the one who leads a team of seven people.

Yolande James also points to the target of 22% of recruitment, that is to say that in hires, one in five people come from an under-represented group.

In the same breath, she raises an “emerging leaders” program, which will oversee their journey at Radio-Canada. “We were told in 2020 that underrepresented groups felt they had no opportunity to advance in the organization. »

The broadcaster has also set itself the mission of doubling its retention rate for the Indigenous, racialized and disabled people it hires. “We have to make sure that their integration goes well, notes Yolande James. We must also ensure that all employees share these values, whether they are members of a minority or not. »

To ensure that a large majority of workers adhere to the inclusive policies of Radio-Canada, Yolande James encourages all those who have doubts to come and express their discomfort to her. She says she has no problem carrying on difficult conversations. “You have to have the courage and humility to answer questions. »

No, the new measures of Radio-Canada concerning promotions do not mean that a white person no longer has any chance of being promoted, she swears. These rules simply attempt to correct past injustices.

“Representation is so important. You have to see it to believe it. In front of and behind the camera”, she underlines.

Faced with criticism

Yolande James did not take a look at the critics when Radio-Canada created the position of general manager, diversity and inclusion. Observers raised eyebrows at the advent of such a function, arguing that the former politician was going to be paid to speak about systemic racism.

Today, she is proud to defend the existence of the post she inherited.

In this new role, I am at the service of all the public. I have to make sure everyone can be seen, heard and valued. I’m not embarrassed about what we do. I am extremely proud of it. We don’t count the hours. We know where we are going. I’m very comfortable with it all. I sleep very well at night.

Yolande James

Radio-Canada having the reputation of being a gigantic liner that moves slowly, Yolande James will probably have to be patient before observing real and lasting changes. But since she has worked in government before, she knows what to expect.

“You don’t come to an organization like Radio-Canada thinking that you’re going to transform everything at the same time. But I feel that we are in a favorable context. We are progressing. One day, it may no longer be necessary to have a person in charge of inclusion. But until that day, I will continue to work for the elimination of my position. »

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