Radio audiences: France Inter widens the gap with RTL, Europe 1 still down

The radio audiences have fallen! This Thursday, July 21, 2022, Médiamétrie unveiled those for the April-June period. And once again, it is France Inter who dominates the ranking for this end of the season. On the side of the listeners, we pass below the bar of 40 million faithful for the second time in twenty years.

France Inter can once again bring out the champagne since the station achieves one of its best results by attracting 6.9 million listeners every day. So that’s 704,000 more pairs of ears in one year. The market share also increases since it is at 14.5% (ie 1.9 points). A nice gap has therefore widened with RTL, which has 5.6 million listeners. But the station has nothing to be ashamed of since it can count on 72,000 additional listeners, for a market share of 12.3% (+0.2 points).

FranceInfo follows and is therefore still on the third step of the podium thanks to its 4.9 million regulars for a market share of 5%. Even if it lost nearly half a million pairs of ears on a wave, the news station is still ahead of NRJ, which counts 4.4 million people every day, as well as Skyrock and its 3.2 million listeners. Both have lost nearly 220,000 listeners in one year.

Then comes RMC, which signs its weakest season since 2006 since it is listened to by 3.1 million French people every day. But the market share is at its highest for two years (6.2%). Nostalgie follows with its 3,022,000 listeners and France Bleu with 2.9 million people.

Europe 1 has still not recovered since it has lost 240,000 listeners and therefore only has 2.1 million. Finally, Fun Radio rose a little, gaining 14,000 listeners, France Culture had 1.63 million listeners (an increase of 143,000 people), Virgin Radio lost 20,000 fans and Rire & Chansons 133,000.

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