racist tags discovered in Saint-Ouen and Aubervilliers

While the town hall of Saint-Ouen denounced the presence of “Stars of David stencilled on the walls of a resident’s house”, the City of Aubervilliers indicates that walls in the town have been “tagged with ‘ostensibly anti-Semitic inscriptions’.

The City denounces “an anti-Semitic and racist act“. In a statement published Monday, the town hall of Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, in Seine-Saint-Denis, announces that “outraged fellow citizens” alerted Mayor PS Karim Bouamrane “of the presence of Stars of David stencilled on the walls of the house of a resident of the Debain district“.

Municipal services were immediately mobilized to carry out their kidnapping and the police authorities were called upon to take measures to shed light on these despicable acts and find the perpetrators. A report was made to the public prosecutor. The perpetrators must be prosecuted and punished by the courts with the greatest severity and intransigence.“, writes the City.

The press release states that “the Mayor immediately expressed his solidarity and total support for the family“.”The Mayor reaffirms the values ​​of tolerance and respect which animate the Audonian tradition faithful to the Republic which is committed to protecting all its citizens, whatever their social and ethnic origins and their religious, philosophical, political and sexual affiliations.“, also underlines the City.

The Republic will always be stronger! I firmly condemn these racist and anti-Semitic acts.“, reacted Karim Bouamrane on (ex-Twitter).

The City of Saint-Ouen will always remain the fraternal, united city that protects all its citizens.“, adds the chosen one.

Still in Seine-Saint-Denis, Karine Franclet, the UDI mayor of Aubervilliers, also published Monday a statement concerning “anti-Semitic tags and inscriptions“discovered in his commune.”During the weekend of October 28 and 29, walls in our city were sprayed with ostensibly anti-Semitic inscriptions“, writes the elected official.

The services were immediately mobilized to remove these inscriptions and the police authorities are working to shed light on these despicable acts. The perpetrators must be prosecuted and punished by the courts with the greatest severity.“, she continues.

I would like, in my name and that of the municipality, to condemn these despicable acts in the strongest possible terms. I remind you that anti-Semitism constitutes an offense: the Law prohibits and sanctions racism and anti-Semitism in all their forms. These acts are in total contradiction with the fundamental values ​​that we hold, including tolerance, equality and mutual respect, particularly in the current context.“, also writes the mayor.

In our city of Aubervilliers, diversity is a wealth and, we reaffirm it loud and clear, everyone must feel safe, included and respected, in compliance with republican law.“, underlines Karine Franclet.

Photos have been published on by the Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF).

Aubervilliers, Saint-Ouen, 14th arrondissement of Paris. Same procedure, same Star of David stencil. Some want to terrorize French Jews by using the methods of the 1930s. They must be quickly found and severely punished.“, comments the association.

On Monday, 800 students and their teachers from a Jewish school were also evacuated Monday morning from Pavillon-sous-Bois, due to the receipt of a threatening message by email.

These facts come as the authorities point to a resurgence of anti-Semitism in France, in the context of the war between Israel and Hamas. According to the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti and the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, more than 800 anti-Semitic acts have been recorded at the national level since October 7. As for the Paris metropolitan area, Laurent Nuñez, the Paris police chief, tells BFM that more than 200 anti-Semitic acts have been recorded since October 7.

The lawyer and president of the Central Israelite Consistory of France Me Elie Korchia, guest of France 3 Paris Île-de-France on Monday, deplores “a very anxiety-provoking climate“.”You have to stay positive. Those who try to import a climate of terror must not be able to prevail, so we must continue to live normally.“, he declares.

But it is obvious that when we have had an explosion of anti-Semitic acts since October 7, the date of the massacres that took place in Israel following the Hamas terrorist attack, we can only be extremely vigilant. Because we fear that this increase in acts will not stop and it is very worrying“, underlines Me Elie Korchia.

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