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The National Assembly voted, Friday, November 4, the exclusion of the deputy of the National Rally Grégoire de Fournas for 15 days from the hemicycle. This is the most severe sanction for a deputy. The RN denounces for its part a political decision.
The image is symbolic at the National Assembly on Friday, November 4. MPs from everything board, except from the National Rally, standing, to vote the sanction of Grégoire de Fournasdeputy RNafter his racist remarks. “I appeal to the dignity of our debates, to the refusal of all hatred and all violence, even verbal”said the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun Pivet when voting. He is excluded from the hemicycle for 15 days and is also deprived of half the parliamentary allowance for two months. This is the maximum sanction, pronounced once since 1958.
He is expelled for having arrested a deputy BIAsaying “thathe(s) return(ent) in Africa“. Gregory of Fournas claims to speak of a migrant boat, and not of his black colleague, but the sentence caused a scandal. “I hope that, on the benches of the National Rally, they will take stock of the comments they have made. Because it’s racist”, says Sylvain Maillard, deputy of the majority. the RN denounces a political decision. “We are totally moving away from freedom of expression, democracy and (…) of the very foundation of this National Assembly, which is to debate political ideas”, criticizes Marine Le Pen. Gregory of Fournas refuses to resign.