Rachida Dati will participate in the MoDem back-to-school universities this weekend

François Bayrou’s Modem returns on Friday in Guidel in Morbihan. In favor of a government agreement between Emmanuel Macron and LR, Rachida Dati will participate in a round table devoted to the “republican pact”.

Faithful to Guidel in Morbihan for his return to school, the MoDem will welcome, from Friday September 29, half of the government, but also other notable figures. Among these, Édouard Philippe, Stéphane Séjourné – the boss of Renaissance – and Rachida Dati, the LR mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris and former Minister of Justice of Nicolas Sarkozy.

When François Bayrou asked her to come to Brittany, Rachida Dati immediately said yes because they have gotten along well and for a long time. Saturday morning she will participate in a round table devoted to the “Republican pact”, where security, justice, schools and health will be discussed. “She loves to debate, the proof: she even went to the Insoumis summer universities last year! “She loves to debate, the proof: she even went to the Insoumis summer universities last year!” indicates the entourage of Rachida Dati who trivializes the event.

The “right-wing rebels” and the others

But seeing Rachida Dati participate in a presidential majority event is anything but trivial. Last spring, she spoke out in favor of a government agreement between Emmanuel Macron and LR. The former minister is on the same line as Nicolas Sarkozy, an ultra-minority position on the right, which does not discourage the MoDem: “You always have to put the work back on the jobassures a centrist leader, and above all talk with those who have not fallen into right-wing insubordination”.

A dig directly addressed to the LR group in the Assembly which refuses to make life easier for the government. After the failure to find an agreement on pensions, Élisabeth Borne had to open the 49.3 season on Wednesday September 27 to pass her public finance programming law. The LR group had decided to vote against.

Paris in 2026…

Rachida Dati has one objective, she does not hide it, and that is to win the Paris town hall in 2026. Perhaps by talking about a government agreement with the macronie, she is also dreaming of an alliance in the municipal elections to delight the town hall on the left.

On the Paris council, she already works well with the MoDem. It remains to convince the rest of the macronie and it is not won: a Parisian minister admits that he “would have trouble distributing leaflets for Rachida Dati”. An LR elected official plays down the drama: “We can each go in our own colors in the first round and find an agreement afterwards.”

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