Rachida Dati touch with Gabriel Attal: she reframes the exasperated minister cash

Sunday, June 19, 2022 was held the second round of the legislative elections. Several political figures came to comment on the first results on television sets, in particular Rachida Dati. Essential in front of the cameras, the former Minister of Justice ensured the show by energizing the debates with her punchlines. Thus, on TF1, Gabriel Attal, although broken in the exercise of political communication, was not spared by the figure of the Republicans.

Currently Minister of Public Accounts after having been spokesman for the Castex government, Gabriel Attal can boast of good results in the legislative elections with 59.85% of the vote for the candidate in the 10th district of Hauts-de-Seine. But if his glory is remarkable, the figures of the presidential majority are less spectacular. What Rachida Dati did not fail to underline: “All the same, the Prime Minister is a bit like the leader of the majority, he’s the one who campaigns a bit, who convinces. Are you happy with the result? No, but Mr. Attal, tell the truth!

Rachida Dati, tactile with her political opponents – she was also tactile with Olivia Grégoire on BFMTV the same evening -, patted Gabriel Attal on the shoulder when he recognized that these were not the results he was hoping for. Shortly after, she drove the point home by resuming her expression of not “not hide behind his little finger“: “You’re not hiding behind us either.” The 33-year-old politician and companion of Stéphane Séjourné struggled to hide his slightly overwhelmed state.

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