Rachida Dati clashes Anne-Sophie Lapix and Sandrine Rousseau, big tensions live

The atmosphere was tense on the television sets on this election evening for the first round of the presidential elections on April 10, 2022. On France 2, Anne-Sophie Lapix had the results commented on, in particular by the Republican Rachida Dati and the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau. Faced with the results of Marine Le Pen placed in second position in the ballot behind Emmanuel Macron and questioned about the ambiguous position of Eric Ciotti (LR), the mayor of the 7th arrondissement did not hide her legendary anger and thus strongly criticized the left and the media, pointing out their responsibility.

With great seriousness, I call to vote Emmanuel Macron“, begins by saying Rachida Dati. “The political risk is less serious than seeing a woman politician who is only in hatred and rejection of the other. (…) I am very angry with the left, which has moved away from the concerns of the French”she says, then attacking the media by addressing the expert in political journalism Anne-Sophie Lapix: “Don’t you have any responsibilities, you journalists? You are disconnected from the realities of the French. (…) I have seen very, very recent editorials by journalists who are very close to you…

The former Minister of Justice is then cut by Sandrine Rousseau (EELV): “She’s your candidate [Valérie Pécresse] who spoke of the great replacement! The responsibilities should not be reversed on this.“The former Keeper of the Seals then replies:”Madame Rousseau, I am not reversing the responsibilities, you should also draw the consequences [de l’échec de la gauche]including in your party.”

The exchange turning into a dispute, it becomes inaudible. The presenter attempts a call to order: “We can’t talk at the same time otherwise we don’t understand anything.“The voice marked by anger and emotion, the former member of Yannick Jadot’s campaign team continues:”When Republicans speak of a great replacement, they are legitimizing the idea of ​​an enemy within. (…) Emmanuel Macron must live up to the historical challenge we are experiencing today.

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