Rachida Brakni runs an eco-school at the foot of a city in “The Court of Miracles”


Article written by

S.Desjars, J.-M.Lequertier, E.Rassat, S.Ripaud – France 2

France Televisions

Le 13 Heures met Rachida Brakni, starring in the film “La Cour des miracles”, present in the official selection of the Cannes Film Festival 2022. She plays the director of a “green” school and underlines her commitment to the ‘public school.

Filming locations are always filled with memories and emotions for actors and directors. In the feature film “The Court of Miracles”, directed by Hakim Zouhani and Carine May, Rachida Brakni is a director who fights against school segregation by creating an eco-friendly school. “We imagine when we see this environment, creating a green school in the middle of this city“, comments the actress. A societal comedy that makes you laugh as much as you think about our French public schools.

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