Rachel Legrain-Trapani in lingerie: she assumes her body, after two pregnancies

Athletic since a young age (she practiced athletics from 9 years old), Rachel Legrain-Trapani has managed to lose her few extra pounds and tone her body. From the top of her 33 years, the Miss has regained her line, after giving birth to her second boy in July 2020. In comments, the subscribers of the young mother congratulated her fight for self-acceptance and complimented her plastic.

Despite her impeccable lifestyle, Rachel Legrain-Trapani keeps a very bad habit: smoking! “In all transparency with you … I am not proud of it and above all I do not want to set a bad example. I resumed smoking after quitting 3 years, but I plan to quit at the end of the summer … Gianni not being there I lit one then two … He hates that. I will test hypnosis at the start of the school year“, said this summer, the actress and host of 33 years in a story.

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