RABBIT WITH CHOCOLATE SAUCE to celebrate the Tulle chocolate fair organized by the Lyons Club


A recipe that is not a treat!

In this recipe, chocolate is used as a spice, and that was its first job! In the beginning, chocolate milk did not exist, we used this bitter powder with water and frothed it with a frother!

This bitter chocolate enhances white meats but also fish. Think about it!

Per person :

200 g rabbit, cut into 3 pieces

1 tbsp bitter cocoa

1 unpeeled onion

2 carrots peeled and minced

1 chard leaf (green and rib), washed and finely chopped 1 small sprig of thyme

Salt and pepper

2 glasses of water

1 square of dark chocolate

In an ovenproof casserole, put the cocoa and the rabbit pieces and mix until each piece is well coated with cocoa. Add water, vegetables, salt and pepper, cover and bake without preheating. Cook for 1 hour Th 6 (180°). Take the onion out, pass it under cold water, extract the pulp and crush it with a fork (or mix it) then put it back in the sauce, stir. Add the piece of dark chocolate, return to heat and serve. Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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