Video length: 4 mins.
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Journalist Samuel Ollivier, present on the 8 Hours set, Wednesday April 12, offers a quiz on the Sports Ministers of the Fifth Republic.
On Wednesday April 12, journalist Samuel Ollivier, present on the 8 Hours set, offers a quiz on the Sports Ministers of the Fifth Republic. Who is the first Secretary of State for Youth and Sports of the Fifth Republic? Maurice Herzog. He is known to have been the first to climb a peak over 8,000 meters: Annapurna (Nepal) in 1950. Which leading politician, basketball fan, was Minister of Sports from 1988 to 1991? This is Lionel Jospin.
Roselyne Bachelot and the “immature bosses”
Who was Minister of Sports in 1998 when the Blues won the World Cup? Marie-George Buffet held this position at the time. “She arrived without making a big impression at the Ministry of Sports, and then retrospectively, she was unanimous, especially with the Buffet tax, a tax that punctures professional sport to finance amateur sport”, recalls Samuel Ollivier. Who treated, the day after the fiasco of the 2010 World Cup, the players of the French team of “immature bullies” ? This is Roselyne Bachelot.