QUIZ. Banana or steak? Chicken or cheese? Coffee or orange juice? Guess which of these foods have the most impact on the climate

The fight against global warming is also played out on our plates. In France, agriculture accounts for 19% of our greenhouse gas emissions, which warm the planet, on a par with industry and behind transport (31%). But what are the most polluting foods? Which ones should be favored to reduce this impact? To help you see more clearly, franceinfo has concocted a quiz for you, thanks to the Agribalyse database.

Before you get started, here is some important information. To make the comparison possible, the quantity chosen is one kilogram of product each time. For a representative result, we use a “robot portrait” of the average product consumed in France (origins, production methods). Finally, cooking is not taken into account.


Which food emits the most greenhouse gases?


Which of these two meats has the least impact on the climate?


Which meat emits the most greenhouse gases?


Which of these products emits the least greenhouse gases?


Which product has the least impact on the climate?


Which of these types of cow farming emits the most greenhouse gases?


Which of these two foods emits the most greenhouse gases?


Which of these tomatoes is better for the climate?


Which of these green beans emit the most greenhouse gases?


Which of these two imported mangoes has the best carbon footprint?


Which of these drinks emits the most greenhouse gases?


Which of these delicacies emits the most greenhouse gases?


Between these two starchy foods, which has the most impact on the climate?


Which of these two foods has the least impact on the climate?

To compare foods, we used the Agribalyse database, developed by the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe) and the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (Inrae) . This database evaluates the environmental impact of each product, according to 16 indicators. In this quiz, we only used the climate change indicator, one of the most important and scientifically sound ones.

Products are assessed over their entire life cycle: agricultural production, processing, transport and logistics, packaging, consumption and recovery or end of life. For this quiz, we have only chosen raw products and cooking methods are not taken into account.

For each product, Agribalyse has established a “robot portrait” of the average product consumed in France, by averaging the different origins (France, EU, others) and production methods. The carbon footprint of each product is expressed in kilogram CO2 equivalent (kg CO2 eq), the unit used to compare the various greenhouse gases with each other per kilogram of product.

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