quiet areas set up facing the human presence which disturbs the bellowing of the deer


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M.Dana, S.Guibout, A.d’Abrigeon

France Televisions

Quiet zones have been set up in the National Forest Park, in order to reduce the human presence which disturbs the bellowing of the deer. Car traffic is therefore prohibited there at night, but walkers are authorized to go there.

In the National Forest Park, which covers 220,000 hectares between Champagne and Burgundy, a fascinating sound can be heard in autumn: that of slab deer. Every year, it attracts dozens of curious people, but according to two mayors, this human presence disturbs the animals. Elected officials had to regulate traffic. They therefore defined car-free quiet zones from 6 p.m. and until 8am. THE slabs deer would already be more numerous.

Up to 1,500 euros fine

Agents from the National Forestry Office patrol, and recalcitrants risk fines of up to 1,500 euros and vehicle seizure. The measure is rather well received in this region of hunters. After dark, cars must now stay away. Only walkers are allowed. Supervised outings are organized. Long confined to the forest under human pressure, these animals were able to return to the plains, their natural environment.

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