questions continue in the North



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On Wednesday afternoon, 27 migrants were killed in the sinking of their boat towards Calais (Pas-de-Calais). A human drama that raises many questions.

The investigation continues in Calais, in northern France, a few hours after the sinking of a boat with many migrants on board. 27 of them lost their lives. “Since last night there have been five arrests of suspected smugglers”, recalls Josselin Debraux, quoting the Minister of the Interior. The investigation is continuing and the police particularly wish to question the two survivors of the tragedy.

The two survivors of this tragedy, which occurred on Wednesday, will be key elements in the investigation. “Their testimony could provide valuable information to investigators, in particular to attempt to formally identify all the victims,” adds the journalist France Télévisions. The boats will also be analyzed to determine the origins of the sinking.

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