Questioned by a Liberal MP on immigration, Legault responds

Questioned by a Liberal MP on immigration, the CAQ leader François Legault replied that he should explain to his daughter “what is happening in Sweden and Germany”.

He did not want to explain however what he meant by referring to these countries.

On Saturday, the incumbent Liberal MP and candidate for Viau, Frantz Benjamin, said his daughter was shocked by Mr. Legault’s remarks when he linked immigration to violence, before leaving a threat to ” national cohesion”.

“I don’t like it”, hurting people, said Mr. Legault in a press scrum on Sunday morning.

“On the other hand, Mr. Benjamin could explain to his daughter that all states have the challenge of integrating newcomers into their values. For us, in Quebec, it is above all to integrate in French. […] He could tell him what is happening in Sweden, Germany and many other countries. »

In an afternoon press scrum in Lotbinière, the chief caquist refused to say what he was referring to precisely in Sweden or Germany.

“I know where you are coming from,” he said, inviting journalists to read up on these issues.

In a press scrum, Liberal leader Dominique Anglade also asked her caquist opponent to clarify what he was referring to when he spoke of Sweden and Germany.

In fact, the right and the extreme right prevailed in the recent elections in Sweden. However, integration issues have not made headlines in recent months in Germany, where a social democratic government was elected in 2021.

“I am at a loss for words to describe how François Legault has behaved over the past few days. I don’t even understand [sa déclaration] and it will be up to him to explain it. […] The words of François Legault hurt a lot of people. »

Mr. Benjamin had reminded Mr. Legault of his responsibility as party leader, so as not to “attack people’s sense of belonging”.

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