A passion like any other
No peasants in the family. We are not in agriculture at all. Besides, Quentin, he is an aeronautic technician. Nothing to do with the agricultural world. Except that since he was a kid, he had a passion for cattle breeding. So, a few years ago, he bought his first 2 cows. Today, his herd has around thirty heads.
– Fred romanuik
The White Blue
He didn’t get into breeding like that, Quentin. When we do things, we do them well. So he took the proper studies, he took in the basics, and then he went for it. His favorite breed is the White Blue. The most muscular cow there is. Just watch her walk. Looks like a bodybuilder! It rolls mechanics, what. A cushy cow, not shy for a penny, who does not hesitate to come and seek her caress when you walk in the meadow. She doesn’t bellow. No need, his grass is enough for him and no claim crosses his mind.
– Fred romanuik
A family affair
At the beginning, when Quentin started his small kennel, Aurélien, the brother, followed. It amused him to see the little brother infatuated with cattle. So from the outset he responded to the helping hand. It’s hard work, two cows at home. So 30! When you work, it can quickly become insurmountable. This is why the family got together, from the sister-in-law to the parents, everyone is helping out. And the operation is modernizing … From the system D at the beginning, an ultra-modern barn came out of the earth last year. Quentin thought it so that it is best suited to the well-being of his daughters. And, when he visits them in the evening after work, he spends as much time looking at them as he does pampering them.
– Fred romanuik